Michelle Hsu

Michelle Hsu

Join Michelle, founder of KJMH Digital, where she is building marketing foundations for B2B SaaS companies. She's an avid reader of both Mandarin and English books, ask her for non-fiction recommendations. Grab a cup of coffee/tea and let's start chipping away at that long reading list of yours (books, articles, newsletters, docs, course materials, etc)!

Share a tip to help people get the most out of Flow Club?

Plan your sessions ahead of time by making a list of tasks you want to tackle that day then allocate a few tasks per session. This hack has helped me get into the Flow state a lot faster. I no longer need to think on the spot about what I hope to accomplish during a session.

What kind of music do you play in your Flow Club sessions?

lofi hip hop music, Relaxing Piano, Studio Ghibli

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