Amy Fu

Amy Fu

"Turn off notifications, get in the zone."

Amy is an investor working out of New York City. Flow Club is a place for her to make time to focus on work that is important but not necessarily urgent, especially brainstorming, working on strategy or researching new markets. When she isn’t working, she’s playing tennis late at night or discovering up and coming artists through live music. Join her to work to indie and alternative instrumental music (Explosions in the Sky is one of her favorites).

What work do you bring to Flow Club?

I work in investing so have a lot of research and brainstorming work to do. Flow Club is a great place to get strategizing work done. It can be good to get in the zone on a large project with time carved out to think about things that are important but not urgent that you don’t always make time for. I recommend taking a few minutes before every session planning what you want to get done, being realistic about how much you can accomplish in a given session.

What kind of music do you play in your Flow Club sessions?

I love live music, especially going to see up and coming lesser known artists. You'll often hear instrumental versions of alternative or indie music in my sessions. Explosions in the Sky in particular is great to work to.

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