Hera Barrameda

Hera Barrameda

"Start and end your work day with Flow Club"

Hera is an On Deck Fellow and the founder of Layla, a community driven social commerce app. Hera works out of the Phillipines and is excited to bring more Flow Club availability to Asian-Pacific timezones. Flow Club helped Hera create structure and focus through time-blocking. She loves to start and end her day with Flow Club sessions to do work and build better habits. When Hera isn’t busy building her Philippines based business she is spending time with her daughter or reading books (typically a couple each week). Expect a variety of instrumental music: she likes everything from lo-fi beats to Latin (especially salsa).

How has Flow Club improved your work life?

Flow Club allows me to time-block to really focus. As a solo founder, it's easy to get distracted - there is so much to do! Flow Club gives me the structure I need to be firm and focused with each task and to build better habits. I do my best writing and brainstorming in these sessions.

What kind of music do you play in your Flow Club sessions?

I like lo-fi beats but also music with different vibes, especially instrumental Latin music!

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