Evan Farrell

Evan Farrell

"Get to the Goldilocks state of your focus work. If it's too long, you give up. Too short, you get distracted."

Evan is the co-founder and CTO of Path, a product that helps students get money for college. Path’s work culture puts a big emphasis on deep work, and Evan aims to get 4-6 hours in everyday, consistently blocking time off on his calendar, hiring his phone for himself, and blocking distractions on his computer. Evan is at his best in Flow Club when he’s coding. He uses consecutive sessions as a journaling method, forcing him to stay on track each hour and get to his desired milestone. Evan takes brain breaks with short walks 3-4 times a day and sleep. You can see some of his favorite work music on a site he built, nightclub.fm. Join him to get your best work done!

How do you think about planning for Flow Club?

Get to the Goldilocks state of your focus work. If it's too long, you give up. Too short, you get distracted.

What kind of music do you play in your Flow Club sessions?

I typically work in silence but I like poolside.fm. There are so many online, curated playlists that are great. I actually made a site to aggregate my favorites: nightclub.fm

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