
Happy New Year! Today happens to be exactly one year since David wrote the first line of code for Flow Club. Since then, you’ve joined us and we’re so glad to have met you! Before we start 2022 in earnest, here’s an opportunity to reflect, celebrate a job well done, give thanks to each other.
In our first year in operation, you joined Flow Club from all around the world!
Among the 22 countries, these are the top regions represented:
- 🌉 SF Bay Area
- 🗽 New York
- 6️⃣ Toronto
- 🦁 Singapore
- 👑 the UK
Special shoutouts to non-US hosts for making Flow Club available globally early on:
Tami from Nigeria🇳🇬, David in the UAE🇦🇪, Nanshan and Shiyan in Singapore🇸🇬, Julia in Spain🇪🇸, Tim in Xi’an🇨🇳, Thomas in Hong Kong🇭🇰, Angela in Mexico🇲🇽, Matt, Michelle and Clement in Canada🇨🇦.
You really embraced work from anywhere and took the Flow Club community with you everywhere!
Some of the places we saw you working from:
- 🏠 your home
- 🏡 your backyard
- 🌺 beachfront property in Hawaii
- 🎰 hotel in Las Vegas
- 🏖 a beach in Panama
- 🌳 the park
- 🛫 the airport
- 🚗 the back of an Uber
- 🏢 your office and co-working space
- ☕️ your favorite local coffee shop
We’ve learned a ton about what work looks like today. We face many of the same challenges in getting into flow. Of the 38,000 tasks since we launched the task input box in July, there were:
- 📧 3,752 tasks related to emails
- 💬 1,618 tasks related to messaging
- ⏰ 1,682 tasks related to meetings
Still, we managed to get a lot of stuff done!
We made so much progress 💪.
- 👾 We wrote...a lot! There were 5,239 tasks related to writing. We’re talking blog posts, articles, memos, papers, manuscripts, newsletters, social posts, website copy, and even video game dialogues!
- 🧑💻 We also wrote...code! There were 2,327 tasks related to coding!
- ✨ We organized, read, created, designed, recorded, researched, planned.
- ✨ We found time for our side pursuits like writing a novel, making a children’s book, starting a local club, angel investing, selling things online, completing advanced degrees, learning a new language.
- ✨ We got closer to our aspirational lifestyles: more time with family, work from anywhere, 4-day work weeks, healthy habits, move to new digs or a new city, change jobs, become our own boss.
Speaking of healthy habits, you were committed to building them.
- ❇️ 614 tasks were related to starting your day right (planning your day, morning routine, Morning Pages, eating breakfast)
- ❇️ 697 tasks were related to deliberately slowing down (meditate, journal, break, taking a walk). Great job!
I asked you to share your wins this year, and here's what you said (click here for the complete list):

Give thanks
In Flow Club we gather to inspire each other to become the best versions of ourselves, and no one embodies this spirit than our hosts.
Our 65 hosts have facilitated over 1.5 million minutes of flow. That’s over 1,000 days spent in pursuit of flow! Whoa.
I love when hosts ask questions that remind me to take better care of myself. I’m in a Lianna’s Flow Club right now, and she asked, “How would you like to feel when you’re done with the tasks?” What an amazing question to help me register the feeling of accomplishment, something that I’m sure so many of us are bad at. Thank you Lianna and thank you to all the hosts who have made me take a moment to feel good about the work I’m doing.
But it's not just the hosts. By going to Flow Club, we're all making a difference. To give you a sense of scale, Haley has been in flow with 480 unique individuals. Irene: 420. Rachel: 413. Amanda: 373. Michelle: 367. Every single one of us benefit from each other's presence and commitment.
I asked you to send kudos to the community, and here's what you wrote (click here for the complete list):

Bring on 2022!
Here are some fun facts to help usher in the new year. In 2021, Flow Club saw:
- 💍 3 weddings
- 👶 2 babies born (that we know of)
- ☕️ 408 cups of coffee
- 🍵 121 cups of tea
- 💧 61 reminders to hydrate
- ☎️ 11 mothers called (the rest of us were disappointments...)
- ⛱ 46 trips and vacations planned!
- 🐟 90 mentions of the “fish bowl” since Jessie started hosting in June
- 💁🏽 1,246 dad jokes were told (yes, it never runs out)
Here are some of the most heard playlists:
Finally...I asked in a survey last week what we should call Flow Club members.

Congratulations on a great year.
See you in the flow in 2022, Flow Clubbers💃🕺!
Your turn
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