Vanessa Ginman

Vanessa Ginman

"Don't let work turn into a monster in your head."

Vanessa, working out of the Bay Area, is originally from Finland and has lived in 6 countries. She is the CX Lead at Google Maps Platform and uses Flow Club to do anything and everything but the work she’s been putting off for awhile in particular. When she’s not working she’s running, singing, playing tennis or hanging with her stuffed sloth named David Hasselsloth. Join her for deep focus and chill instrumental music.

How do you make the most of your time in Flow Club?

One of the things I tend to do and I love to bring to my sessions is setting one very realistic, doable goal and a stretch goal to push myself. If I do this I can feel good but there’s an incentive to push a little further. And then, putting my phone away is so helpful. The more specific you can be about what you’re going to do, putting numbers to thing is helpful. If you’re going through emails, how many emails are you going through. Are you actioning or triaging?

What kind of music do you play in your Flow Club sessions?

I like chill instrumental with a tropical vibe. I really enjoy Amanda’s throwback Thursdays.

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