David Tran

David Tran

"Supercharge your focus so you can feel great getting work done."

David founded Flow Club (and two other companies) with Ricky over the past decade. As a lifelong runner, David was eager to apply the stimuli, rest and recovery process from working out to perform better at work. David flows 2-4x/day, balancing shorter sessions to juggle founder tasks with longer sessions for coding.

How do you get the most out of Flow Club?

For the last year or so, I start every day by writing down my 3 Most Important Tasks (MITs). Throughout the day, before I sit down to work or jump into a Flow Club, I open up that tab and try to come up with specific, time-boxed tasks I can work on towards those goals. Things will inevitably come up throughout the day that are urgent and need attention, but keeping the larger picture for the day in mind and knowing that I'm working on what I think is the most impactful thing usually helps me get into flow.

What kind of music do you play in your Flow Club sessions?

Lofi Hip-Hop, Taylor Swift instrumentals, classical

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